Hey ZAAZEE girls! We’ve got an amazing guest blog for you today, by an extremely empowering fitness trainer, Beth Davies. 
If you’re thinking about starting to run, check out these seven top tips that will help you get out there and get moving, whatever the weather! You can even take your baby!

By Beth Davies

I love running because it’s free, totally inclusive and you can do it (almost) anywhere and in any weather. It’s great for body and mind alike and is often the go-to form of exercise when people want to lose weight or increase their fitness. If you’re not sure how to start then I’ve made getting out there to run easier with my top tips for starting and sustaining a running programme. Here goes! 

1. Ditch the tracker for month one

If you’re a complete beginner then don’t worry about buying any fancy gadgets just yet. It may be tempting to upload every run to your social media feed but spend a few weeks or months building your running schedule into your lifestyle. Think about when you most feel like running and have the energy to do so and how many times a week it’s realistic for you to run. Make sure this is balanced out with a few rest days too. 

2. Run, walk, run, walk or just walk

Whether you’re a complete beginner or getting back into running, don’t feel under pressure to run the whole way. I encourage people to run for a few minutes, walk for a few minutes and then repeat. You’ll soon find that you spend more time running than walking as your body gets used to the movement patterns. Even power-walking will help prime your body for higher impact exercise – I’m a big fan of getting out with my little one for a power walk in the local park…

3. Identify your goal then break it down

Maybe you’ve always dreamed of running a half marathon or completing the 5km Parkrun without stopping, but whatever your goal, break it down into smaller, timely goals. Give yourself a few weeks of building up distance or speed then have a mini taper week before picking your programme back up again. This really helps motivation and builds in some lighter volume weeks which aids recovery. 

4. Rest and recovery 

Too much running for too many days a week can put the body under stress so balance out your work with rest. Rest days don’t have to mean putting your feet up and doing nothing but are perfect for long walks, pilates, stretching and foam roller work or just time with family and friends without worrying about when you’ll be able to fit in a run.

5. One bad run does not mean failure

Everyone has an off day and this applies to running too. Some days even getting into your trainers may seems impossible or that 5km you had planned to do just isn’t happening. It doesn’t matter – listen to your body, don’t let it put you off and plan it in again for another day when energy levels are higher – your body will thank you for it. 

6. Use your surroundings

You might see a busy road and a few bus stops but even the most uninspiring surroundings can be turned into a fantastic run. Create intervals between bus stops, trees or telegraph poles or use steps or hills to add in some higher intensity intervals. 

7. Support with strength 

Strength or resistance training can help you run faster, better and longer. Strength training will not only help strengthen muscles but give stability and power. It helps shape your muscles and protect your joints from injury. Do plenty of squats, lunges, glute bridges, single leg exercises as well as building core strength with stability work like planks. Fellow PT Jo Rosenberg has written a great outdoor workout which will help strengthen your whole body and support your running goals. 

7.Look and feel the part 

My best runs are always the ones when I’m wearing new kit. A new pair of trainers can make you feel as though you’re bouncing along the pavements whilst well fitted leggings and vests keep you feeling strong and secure. I love the range from ZAAZEE which has been designed with a woman’s body in mind – capris fit beautifully and hug your curves whilst bra tops and vests create a great silhouette and keep you well supported. The “Amelia” hoodies are great to wear during warm up/cool downs and after your run. I love the choice of bold colours and ZAAZEE make everything from lovely soft fabric. Running can make you feel confident about your body so why not show it off with ZAAZEE. 

Beth Davies is the owner of Embody Training – helping clients be stronger, fitter and healthier.  


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